• To assist believers in being good stewards of their earthly possessions
by making sound biblical decisions for their final estate distributions.
• To increase awareness among assembly believers of the opportunities that exist to provide for their heirs while making meaningful gifts
to Christian ministries.
• To help believers leave the maximum amount of their estate to their
heirs and the Lord’s work by minimizing fees and taxes.
• To provide a source of dependable long-term income for believers
through gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts.
• To strengthen the long-term financial stability of ministries associated
with New Testament patterned churches through the planned giving
of believers.
• To assist New Testament patterned churches and related ministries
facing dissolution with asset disposal, legal requirements, and means
for the continuation of their ministries in other spheres.
• To advise New Testament patterned churches and related ministries
on governance, compliance, and tax related matters.